Monday, 5 November 2012

Premiere pro Project

Premiere Pro:

OK a practice run for what I assume will be a final piece at some point this term. I struggled with this an awful lot, as I'd never used a editing or compositing programme before so this was a real learning curve. I thought I'd go for a bit of the dramatic atmosphere so I chose the historical city of Jerusalem to be the scene to which to experiment on. Set to Adrian Munsey's epic musical piece The Forgotten.
I think I probably went a little overboard with the panning and I've just noticed a...odd blurriness when the image does move around so I might go back and have a go at fixing it soon. A very interesting little side project, even if it was a bit of a uphill battle to make, luckily I had a good friend to show me around the programme even though she had never used it before only Adobe After Effects, but she felt familiar on the interface. After her tutorial I'd say I'm more or less confident that I could do this again, hopefully with better results.
Had a fight uploading it to the blog too :s
Had to change it to a different file as the original I had exported it as was far too big to be uploaded.
Only issue I cant seem to change was that when setting the project, like a complete idiot I set the screen setting to Pal DV not Pal DV widescreen an unfortunately I can't seem to change it, however I will not forget for next time.

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