Monday, 5 November 2012

Run Cycle Practice & Maya

Run Cycle: Practice

A really...really messy run cycle I repeated it 2 or 3 times so you could actually get the motion as I'm not too sure how to loop it in render... that's something I will have to figure out when I'm next bumbling around on Flash. I loved messing around with this although the shading on the back leg/arm is maybe a little bit confusing so this is in need of a good clean up. It will be used for reference for the opening scene of my Maya project.

Maya Update:
So finally the basic layouts been done. Hurrah.
I know have to try and make various clutter to go about the environment. I had written down what may be used in a WW1 trench earlier as part of my planning process so that came in handy. I had tested modelling a trench spade and a jerry can earlier as a bit of a training exercise only to realize like a idiot that jerry cans appeared in WW2, historical accuracy disaster averted I modelled some basic block shapes as munitions crates, boxes etc.. Also had a go at some sandbags which I smoothed over to create a rounded effect then piled up onto a ledge.  However it’s all pretty simple just boxes nothing I could have a go at properly constructing apart from the spade which I made from 3 separate polygons. I didn’t want to go too wild as I know a lot of the finished aesthetic of the model will be texturing, a good texture map can really made a mundane box turn into something else.

The only thing I really had trouble with was messing around with a grenade, which is to be an animated prop. Getting the right bits of a spherical polygon to extrude all at once can be so very annoying but I got it done and I’m pleased with the results. The grenade neck, and pin were created with separate cylinders and torus shapes. These were then grouped and parented so when one component of them moved the rest followed and avoided separation.

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