Thursday, 8 November 2012

Lip sync test 1 & Maya

Ok so our next little project is to animate a lip sync on a character profile/frontal view.

I decided to be stupid and made my facial model maybe a bit difficult, but hey ho a challenge is good right??

Frontal/3 Quarter turn: Please excuse their scruffiness these were the preliminary sketches before finalizing them in digital line work.

I decided to have a go at all three purely to see if I could manage them all at once, If I become strapped for time then it may be that one drops off or is not completed, none the less I really want to see if I can pull this off and wonder how it will all turn out....lets be pessimistic and say badly that way we avoid a jinx
Finalized lines done using Paint tool Sai which is ridiculously fun to line work in digitally, I'm the biggest technophobe around but I enjoyed this far too much. As you can see our guys a bit of a heavy bruiser, If you know me or have followed my crappy DeviantArt  profile (I don't use it anymore so its old... incredibly old) then you'll probably recognize the character. I'm not normally someone to simplify character designs but its pretty fun to do and for animation it's probably a hell of a lot easier. 
The only thing I find is that when I line work it tends to lose..something? Personality I guess? Movement for sure...I just like sketchy work more...then again maybe I'm just bad at lining ;). Never mind, maybe i'll get there in the end.

Ok so this is a really rough key frame selection of the first part of the audio "Is It Safe?" I have not edited in the audio yet so bear with me while I get the rest of the phrase sorted and hopefully I'l have more for you soon.

Maya Update: UV Mapping.
Never done this before and its a bit fiddly to do, time consuming too.
Started simple with just a rectangular plane polygon, I think the whole point of this is to by adding a hyper shade texture, to make sure none of the surface warps and would then disrupt the texture that you apply. The chequer texture is ideal for this as it gives you squares with which you can easily spot the disruption in pattern. Pretty cool.

The basic layouts finished with minimal warping, i sewed most sides together leaving the 3 main component pieces of the sides free just in case anything went too badly wrong. There are one or two areas where the pattern does skew a bit but luckily its out of camera shot so I think I can get away with it.
Here is the finished layout textured.

Some warped areas to follow:
You can see in the center of the side planes some of the patterns twisting a bit oddly.
Luckily like I said before this isn't visible in the shots i'l be using.

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